Jake’s Story

- Chapter 9 -

Santa came to our house! I got a new race track set, and my sisters got the exact Barbie dolls that they wanted. We even had a real Christmas tree that dad put up in the living room. It was the best Christmas ever! Miss Jill came after Christmas for her last visit with us. We will miss her so much. She helped our family with so many things this year. We were able to move into a place of our own. We got help with new clothes, beds, furniture, and a washing machine. Most importantly, she helped my dad not feel so sad and stressed out.

Decorated Christmas tree

Our number came up with NECAC this month, and Dad will be able to afford to pay the rent on his own. This means we won’t have to move! I get to keep my own room and stay at my same school. Miss Jill and the Care Service helped my family find our perfect home where all of us feel safe and secure.

Each year the Care Service walks side-by-side with nearly 2,000 households during their time of crisis providing them with the resources they need to change their lives and work toward a better future.


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Jake’s Story

- Chapter 8 -

My mom has been calling us a lot. She said she wants to come home because she misses us. I miss my mom a lot, but I’m also scared of her. My dad talked to us and said it wasn’t going to be the same, and that if my mom hurt me I needed to tell him or a teacher right away. Dad said she was going to only stay with us for a couple of weeks to see if it was going to work. It was nice having my mom home, but she decided to leave after a week. She stole some money out of dad’s wallet and never came back. I’m kind of glad.

My dad is better when my mom isn’t here. Miss Jill brought a big basket of food with a turkey and pie for Thanksgiving, and talked with my dad about our house. My dad has been saving his money so he can pay the rent next month. He has followed the budget Miss Jill helped him set up, and he has been able to pay all of his other bills and open a savings account.



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Jake’s Story

- Chapter 7 -

My dad took me and my sisters to visit Miss Jill in her office today. Miss Jill is going to help my dad read and fill out some papers so my mom has to pay some money to help take care of me and my sisters. The problem is that the court can’t find the right address to give her the paperwork. After helping dad answer all the questions for the paper, Miss Jill gave him the phone number for some lawyers that would be able to help him better.

Jake's Story
Jake's Story

Dad told Miss Jill how good I was doing in school since I got my IEP. I’ve been able to raise ALL of my grades, and I like school a lot better now. Dad is now trying to learn to read so he can help me with my homework. He goes to a tutor once a week and he can read me some of my books. I’m so proud of him. Miss Jill called Sacred Heart to see if there was anyone who could help my dad with his reading once our case is closed.

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Jake’s Story

- Chapter 6 -

Miss Jill came to visit today, and she brought us a new, big washing machine. The little camping machine broke, and our clothes were getting really dirty. I was embarrassed to go to school because I thought the kids would make fun of me and tell me I smelled. My dad hooked it up and started washing our clothes right away.

folded laundry in a basket
Christmas wish list notepad

Miss Jill also brought us winter coats, but she saved the biggest surprise for last. She wanted us to tell her our Christmas lists for Santa. She said the Care Service has an Adopt-A-Family program that helps families at Christmas time. My sisters and I had so much fun telling Miss Jill about the toys and books we were hoping Santa would bring us. Santa doesn’t always come to our house.

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